Dear Sisters,
We as a Relief Society Presidency wish to invite you to attend our R.S. lesson during the 3rd hour of church this Sunday. We have prayed fervently over a theme for our organization for the 2015 year and have decided to focus our lessons, activities and meetings this year around the theme of "Unity - Knitting Our Hearts Together as One."
We are excited to discuss this theme together on Sunday. It is our hope that as we join our faith in Jesus Christ through prayer and study this year, that we will increase the unique bond of sisterhood that we share.
As President David O. McKay said before he passed away, "I feel impressed that there is no more important message to give than "to be one."
Alison Day, Emily Barker, Kathy Christensen, & Emily Hurst
A few quotes and scriptures to consider for our Sunday lesson:
Unity - Knitting our Hearts Together as One
Mosiah 18:21 - And he commanded them that there should be no contention one with another, but that they should look forward with one eye, having one faith and one baptism, having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another.
J Rueben Clark
"It is our surrender to the authority of Jesus Christ which will allow us to be bound as families, as a Church, and as the children of our Heavenly Father."
Julie B. Beck
"Though in many ways we are different and unique, we also acknowledge that we are all daughters of the same Heavenly Father, which makes us sisters. We are unified in building the kingdom of God and in the covenants which we have made, no matter what our circumstances."