Monday, May 18, 2015

Summer Excursions!

6th Annual Summer Excursions

Shaker Heights Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 

Neighbors and Friends


Excursion #1:

WHAT: Swimming, Beach Play, Krazy Kayaks Class (Captain Kids Marine Academy)

WHERE: Fairport Harbor
WHEN: Friday, June 12

WHO: ages 4-7 @10am, ages 8-11 @ 11:30am
COST: $5 per child; $5 parking; $$ for snack stand.

*Many choose to not do the class and come for just beach play.

*See below for class registration (if doing the class). 

Excursion #2

WHAT: Kidde rides / miniature golf

WHERE: Memphis Kiddie Park
WHEN: Wednesday June 17th 1:00-3:00 
AGE: Everyone! (rides are best for younger kids; older kids can play outdoor mini golf)
COST: $14.00 per child (under 48 inches..?for unlimited rides, box of popcorn, drink and balloon. Mini golf is $4 for 18 rounds (buy popcorn and drink separate). 
REGISTRATION REQUIRED? Yes! I need a head count since the discount only applies to “party” groups and we need to reserve our “party” time. It is also best that I collect the money beforehand, cash only please.


Excursion #3:

WHAT: Swimming, Beach Play, Stand up Paddleboards Class (Captain Kids Marine Academy)
WHERE: Fairport Harbor
WHEN: Friday, June 19 10:00 or 11:30

WHO: ages 4-7 @10am, ages 8-11 @ 11:30am
COST: $5 per child; $5 parking; $$ for snack stand.

*Many choose to not do the class and come for just beach play.

*See below for class registration (if doing the class). 


Excursion #4:

WHAT: Swimming, Picnic, Beach Play, Canoeing, Kayaking, Bike Riding
WHERE: Hinckley Lake Metropark 
WHEN: Wednesday, June 24th, 12:00pm 
COST: $$ for snack stand
           Canoes - $13 for first hour 
           Paddle Boats - $17 for first hour

           Swimming – FREE

          There is a trail around the lake if you want to bring a bike





Excursion #5:

WHAT: Swimming, Beach Play, Cool Canoes Class(Captain Kids Marine Academy)
WHERE: Fairport Harbor
WHEN: Friday, June 26 10:00 or 11:30

WHO: ages 4-7 @10am, ages 8-11 @ 11:30am
COST: $5 per child; $5 parking; $$ for snack stand.

*Many choose to not do the class and come for just beach play.

*See below for class registration (if doing the class). 


Excursion #6:

WHAT: Tour of President Garfield’s Mansion / Junior Ranger Program

WHERE: James A. Garfield National Historic Site in Mentor
WHEN: Friday, June 26 3:00pm (after the beach)

Excursion #7:

WHAT: Kite flying, picnic, beach play

WHERE: Edgewater Lakefront Beach

WHEN: Monday, June 29, 10:00am

COST: $ for snack stand, ?parking ??


Excursion #8:

WHAT: Old Fashion Ice Cream Shop, Waterfalls, Playground, Feed the ducks

WHERE: Chagrin Falls
WHEN: Wednesday, July 1, 2:00pm
COST: $ for ice cream 

*Bring some bread to feed the ducks and some good shoes if you want to hike down to the falls. 


Captain Kids Marine Academy Dates:

Krazy Kayaks: Fri June 12

Stand up Paddleboards, Fri. June 19

Power Boat Patrol: Sat. June 20

Cool Canoes, Fri, June 26

Super Sailing: Fri. July 10

Jet Ski Rescue: Thurs. July 16

Super Stand-up Paddleboards: Fri. July 17

Power Boat Patrol: Thurs.  July 23

Super Sailing: Thurs. July 30 (evening class 5:30, or 7pm)

Krazy Kayaks: Thurs July 30

Cool Canoes: Thurs. Aug. 6

Super Sailing: Fri. Aug. 7

Stand up Paddleboards: Thurs. Aug. 13

Jet Ski Rescue: Fri. Aug. 14

Cool Canoes: Thurs. Aug. 20

 *To Register for boating classes, go online to the Lake Metropark website (, or call 440-358-7275

*Registration for out-of-county residents opens on May 11th


Other Excursion Ideas for You and Your Family:



WHERE: Patterson's Fruit Farm

WHEN: (depends on how the season goes)
COST: $$ per bushel

WHERE: Voytko Farms 
WHEN: (depends on how the season goes)
COST: $$ per bushel


WHERE: Historic Hale Farm

COST: $10/adults, $5/kids



WHERE: Lake Metroparks Farmpark

COST: $6/adults, $4, ages 2-11



WHERE: Shaker Lakes Nature Center 
*This is fun to do as a planned hike with the naturalist and needs to be scheduled in advance for groups. $3.50 per child. 



WHERE: Erie Canalway National Heritage Cooridor / Cuyahoga Valley National Park
AGE: Anyone who can ride 25+ miles. 

*If you don’t have a bike, you can rent one! You can also rent bike trailers or “trail-a-bikes” for young ones.  Contact “Century Cycle” for rental information
COST:  $3 per bike for train fare back



WHERE: Penitentiary Glen



WHERE: Cleveland Metropark Zoo 

COST: $12.25/adult, $8.25/child (without membership), or go on Monday and have it be FREE!

Pack a lunch



1. South Chagrin Reservation – Sulfur Springs

Great hike through shallow river, water falls, picnic pavilion, grills, etc. 

2. North Chagrin Reservation

Nature Center

3. Penitentiary Glen 

Hiking Trails, Nature Center, Wildlife rehabilitation center

4. Rocky River Nature Center
5. Hinckley Lake
6. More! There are many more. These are just a few of our most frequented. 


Excursion #1:
WHAT: Hiking and Swimming
WHERE: Sulfur Springs
WHEN: Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, (after the Parades - stay all day)

COST: Free

*Family BBQ – bring meat for your family and a side dish to share!  We (the Days) won't be here to bring the charcoal this year. Anyone want to volunteer?

*Where shoes and clothes (swim suits) that can get wet (and possibly dirty), towels, nets / water toys. We will go on a hike in the stream, so backpacks for babies.  


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Where do you shop?

Where do you do your grocery shopping? Why? Any great discount stores or specialty shops you want to share? Please let us all know! Thank you!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Lesson for Sunday, May 10th

Dear Sisters,

This week's lesson is Chapter 9 of the President Benson manual, "The Book of Mormon - Keystone of Our Religion." Read or listen ahead of time to prepare for Sunday. Thank you to our instructor, Christi Harmon for her preparation.

At a General Conference in 1986, President Benson said, "I bless you with increased understanding of the Book of Mormon. I promise you that from this moment forward, if we will daily sup from its pages and abide by its precepts, God will pour out upon each child of Zion and the Church a blessing hitherto unknown..."

See you Sunday!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

RS Testimony Meeting

Tri-Ward Relief Society Testimony Meeting

May 7th @ 7pm
The Kirtland Temple

Ice Cream to Follow!

*Try to carpool. Leave a comment if you would like to carpool.


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