Saturday, February 21, 2015

Sunday ,February 22

Dear Sisters,

This week, we will study Elder Christofferson's talk from October General Conference entitled "Free Forever, to Act for Themselves." Please follow the link to read or listen. I am inspired by Elder Christofferson's teachings on the power that is in us to achieve our divine potential through the great plan of salvation prepared by our Father in Heaven.

"It is God's will that we be free men and women, enabled to rise to our full potential both temporally and spiritually...that we be prepared in all things to join Him in His Celestial Kingdom."

I look forward to the discussion on Sunday!


Emily Barker

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Provident Living

More to come soon...

Sunday, February 8

Dear Sisters,

This week's Relief Society Lesson will be from Chapter 3 of the Ezra Taft Benson Manual. The chapter is entitled "Freedom of Choice, an Eternal Principle." President Benson teaches:

"Freedom of choice is a God-given eternal principle. The great plan of liberty is the plan of the gospel. There is no coercion about it; no force, no intimidation. A man is free to accept the gospel or reject it. He may accept it and then refuse to live it, or he may accept it and live it fully. But God will never force us to live the gospel. He will use persuasion through His servants. He will call us and He will persuade us and encourage us and He will bless us when we respond, but He will never force the human mind."

 Please follow this link to read or listen:

Also, as we seek to achieve greater unity in our Relief Society, the Relief Society Presidency would like to learn more about you. We invite all sisters to fill out the following information survey. Thank you for your responses!


Emily Barker

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