Thursday, May 14, 2015

Where do you shop?

Where do you do your grocery shopping? Why? Any great discount stores or specialty shops you want to share? Please let us all know! Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. I do as much grocery shopping as I can at Aldi and Costco. I love them both! Aldi doesn't have everything, so sometimes I have to make a third trip to Giant Eagle, but it is still worth it for me. Aldi is just soooooo much cheaper! I don't buy much meat, and what I do buy I get at Costco, so I can't vouch for that, but everything else in Aldi brand has been great for us! As for other shopping for household needs I usually hit Target or Walmart. Target is a nicer atmosphere and I can get in and out much more quickly, so I usually pick that over Walmart. Those are my preferences!



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