Relief Society Theme for 2015
Knitting Our Hearts As One
Scripture: Mosiah 18:21
And he commanded them
that there should be
no contention one with
another, but that they should
look forward with one
eye, having one faith and one
baptism, having their
hearts knit together in unity and
in love one towards
are many ways we can strive for Unity, including:
1. Unity in Marriage
2. Unity in our Families
3. Unity in Sisterhood
4. Unity as a Ward
5. Unity as a Church
6. Unity with our Father
in Heaven
we can take to develop UNITY?
our Scriptures (as a ward, family, and as a couple)
“This is the way to come to a unity… If we will study the
word of the Lord as it comes to us through the standard
works and through the instructions of the living prophet.”
~Elder Eyring
*Put a LINK
here to stake goals for reading book of mormon
Prayer (as a ward, family and as a couple)
“Praying together unites families (and wards) under a banner of
common goals” (Esnign April 2014)
D&C 29:6 Whatsoever ye shall ask in faith, being united
in prayer according to my command, ye shall receive.
*Put a link
here to stake goals for reading the book of mormon
Follow the Prophet
The Lord revealed why “he gave some apostles; and some
prophets.” It is “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the
ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity
of faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God (Eph. 4: 11-13)
The ministry of the Apostles – the Presidency and the Twelve –
therefore is to bring us to a unity of the faith.”
~ Elder Boyd K. Packer
4. Do
our Visiting Teaching – Unite as Sisters:
“Though in many ways we are
different and unique, we also acknowledge that
we are all daughters of the same Heavenly Father, which makes us sisters. We are unified in building the
kingdom of God and in the covenants
which we have made, no matter what our circumstance.
~ Julie B. Beck
Follow our Saviors Last Plea he made before carrying out the Atonement
Think of the Lord in his last plea
to his disciples just before he carried out the Atonement,
He prayed for them, and he prayed for those who would believe in Him because of their words. What did he plea for? He
pled for UNITY
John 17:21
“That they all may be one; as thou,
Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they
also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me”
this prayer we learn how the gospel unites us with Heavenly Father, with
Jesus Christ and with each other.
Please join us this
year as we continue to learn more about how we can “be one.” We plan to add to this list by studying more
about things like families, the sacrament, and temple worship. There are many
ways we can honor our Saviors plea for unity and we know that as we do so, we
will feel the Lord’s blessings in our lives.
The Shaker Heights
Relief Society
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